You ask Why. I ask How.

Transitioning or optimizing a company’s technology should not be a lateral move from system A to B. It should be a time to re-design their processes with business metrics in mind.
Apsona: Mail Merge that Works for YOU

The concepts covered in this session can easily be reused and optimized for your own company’s needs.
Datify Your System – Part 1
With Lightning, there are many new incredible tools and features that can be leveraged to optimize the data experience in your Salesforce org! Join us as we explore some of our favorite features.
Where Have I Been?

This month I celebrate 9 years with Salesforce. 🥳 I reflect on my journey, my initial introductions, and where I am today. Salesforce has literally transformed my life on so many levels.
The ABC’s of Salesforce
Better late than never, right? At least in most (read as: some) cases! My apologies for my disappearing act. With a month full of High Holidays, it was quite hard to keep up with things. Moving forward I will try to post regularly again. The feedback I have been getting is tremendous and I want to […]
Dreamforce: My Highlights as a Newbie
Dreamforce. Keynote. Dreamforce. Presentation. Dreamforce. Sessions. Dreamforce. Swag Dreamforce. Comfy Shoes. Dreamforce. Agenda Builder. Dreamforce. Saasy. Dreamforce. Dreamforce. Dreamforce. For the past few months, as excitement for Dreamforce 15‘ grew, these are just some of the ideas and terms floating around the cloud. The countless article, blog posts, tweets and videos could not do enough to prepare me for […]
Lookup Vs. Master-Detail: The Real Difference
I have a confession: For a long time, I never really understood the difference between a “Lookup” field and the “Master-Detail” lookup field. Whenever I needed to create a field that referenced another object, I would read over the Salesforce explanation and then randomly chose one field. Over time I discovered various nuances, but the real “Aha!” […]
LastPass: Making Magic of Passwords
If you’re anything like me, or even nothing like me at all, you are probably logging into multiple sites each day – several times a day! On any given day, I can be logging into 4 Gmail accounts and 5 Salesforce instances. Remembering all those usernames and passwords can be quite a task. Enter LastPass*, […]
#StruckByLightning – The Lightning Experience
As the Salesforce community celebrated Adam Seligman’s 16th birthday, thousands of users gathered at 100 locations across the world (with many more viewing it live) to experience the introduction to the Lightning Experience. I happened to be in New York, so this was my 2nd Salesforce event that I got to attend. The ambiance, décor […]
Tasks: Create your Own Reminders (Using Process Builder and Flows)
This post is in collaboration with Gorav Seth who patiently led me step by step to mastering this magic! His blog post includes some screenshots (using the event object) of the steps involved. Thanks, Gorav! *** Wouldn’t it be great to get a reminder when a task is due…Like, an email straight to your inbox alerting you, ” Hey […]