Launched in the beginning of 2014, this crowdfunding site has run over 380 campaigns,  raising over $24,000 000 for various non-profits. They credit their success to these 3 campaign criteria:

1. Three matchers. That’s right. You need 3 donors (or groups of donors) that will match dollar for dollar all donations received to reach their goal. So if your organization wants to raise $250,000, then you need 3 donors of $62,500 (is my math correct?) to match the rest of the participants. On the flip side, every dollar donated has quadruple impact; $50 becomes $200, $1000 becomes $4000….

2. It’s all or nothing. You reach your goal, you get all the money. Should you not, the funds are returned to the donors.

3. Only 24 hours. Every campaign runs for 24 hours. Any start and finish time. But it’s only 24 hours.

“To date, campaigns have an 100% success rate!”

Why the interest and why the success?

I watched in astonishment as hundreds of charities ran fundraising campaigns with Charidy. My astonishment changed to delight as I watched the funds come in and goals reached. This week, an organization that I support ran such a campaign and I finally got it.

The thrill

The anxiety

The excitement

The tension

The stress

The emotion

The passion

The care.

The support

Because, for only 24 hours, every dollar donated would be matched by three matchers and it’s all or nothing.

Simple and brilliant.

For 24 hours, supporters were glued to their phones and computers, watching the success of the campaign, calling friends and relatives to donate, posting on social media and spreading the word. There was a hype and frenzy that comes about when there is so much at stake. And then we hit the goal and the stress and anxiety left. Elation and exhilaration kicked in.

Another Charidy success.


Disclaimer: This post is purely my thoughts and not written at the request or behest of any company or organization.